Easy Weekend Cleaning Projects

Sue Carr January 13, 2022

Easy Weekend Cleaning ProjectsHave you made any progress toward your New Year’s resolution of keeping your house clean? It’s definitely a worthy goal for the New Year, but it’s also one that can be tough to keep. If you’re like most people, cleaning isn’t one of your favorite activities. So it can be challenging to get motivated. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of easy cleaning projects you can tackle over a weekend. By focusing on one of these tasks each week, you’ll have a clean house in no time!

Catch up on laundry

Is it just us, or does laundry seem to multiply throughout the week? Get a handle on your regular laundry over the weekend, and throw in some extras while you’re at it. This could include giving all your towels a good wash, finally washing the sheets and pillowcases in the guest bedroom, or tossing your washable throw rugs in the machine. Since you’re already doing laundry, these extra tasks won’t seem like a big deal.

Clean out the closet

While you’re doing the laundry, it’s a good time to take a longer look at what’s taking up space in your closet. Take a few minutes to switch out seasonal items so your winter gear is handy. Then take an honest look at any items you haven’t used in the last year. Bag up those things you no longer want to keep and donate them. And if you have clothes with stains or other damages that can’t be repaired, simply cut them up into squares and use them as cleaning rags.

Clean doormats

One of the easiest ways to keep your floors clean is to use doormats both inside and outside your front door. They trap dirt and dust that would otherwise travel to other parts of your home. But they need to be clean in order to do their jobs properly. So take a few minutes to vacuum your interior doormats on both sides. Then sweep or hose off your exterior doormats and let them air dry.

Scrub the kitchen sink

Having a clean kitchen sink can make the whole kitchen feel cleaner. First, wash any dishes that have piled up or load the dishwasher. Then wipe down the interior of your sink with hot, soapy water. Follow with a rinse with hot water. If you have a garbage disposal that’s starting to stink, then run a couple of lemon peels throughout it. Follow with a cold water rinse.

Organize the junk drawer

Do you have one of those drawers that’s just for all the odds and ends you don’t know what else to do with? And is it overflowing like ours? Then take a little time over the weekend to tackle that junk drawer. Empty out the drawer and vacuum up all the crumbs that have accumulated. Then put back items that have a dedicated home elsewhere. Throw out the trash or other things you no longer need. Line the drawer with a nonslip liner. Then organize what’s left into smaller containers like plastic to-go boxes or pretty bowls you don’t often use.

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