Seven Small Home Benefits

Seven Small Home Benefits

You bought a starter home that gave you entre into the world of home ownership, but now, your requirements have changed … you’ve added a spouse or children, you’ve mo....

Professionals Answer: “How Do I Increase My Home’s Value?” (Part 3 of 3)

Professionals Answer: “How Do I Increase My Home’s Value?” (Part 3 of 3)

A common question for prospective home sellers is “How can I increase my home’s value or get a higher selling price?” In our earlier articles on this subject, we ....

Professionals Answer: “How Do I Increase My Home’s Value?” (Part 2 of 3)

Professionals Answer: “How Do I Increase My Home’s Value?” (Part 2 of 3)

A common question sellers ask is “What can I do to get the maximum selling price on my home?” Since each home and every market is different, we, as your real estate pro....

Downsize to Upgrade

Downsize to Upgrade

Whatever your reason for wanting a smaller home—empty nest, tired of cleaning, less mobile, closer to grandkids, moving from the suburbs to be nearer to work, single again—down....

Planning Appropriately for a Renovation

Planning Appropriately for a Renovation

You walk into a home that potentially has the perfect layout, although the kitchen is dated, the floors need upgrading, the bathrooms are awkward … but the price is right and you....

How to Sell for Full Price

How to Sell for Full Price

Often, homeowners try to “test the market” with a higher than fair-market price when first listing their home. That can be a poor marketing strategy. When your agent tr....